We have talked at a very high overview of the following items:
The above items are what need to be considered when the stress is the highest. Once these three items have been dealt with people will tend to relax, just a little. This is survival in the very short term. Now the questions comes up, "how long will this survival situation last?" Most of the government information on the subject of survival never goes into the very long term. Remember the troubles in the former Yugoslavia. What if food deliveries cannot reach your area? What if government support agencies don't arrive for a long time or don't arrive at all? One of the reasons that we created this blog was to awaken people to the possibility that society as we know it, may change dramatically, and for a long time.
Consider what it would have been like if the rest of the world could not come to the aid of Haiti, Pakistan, and the countries affected by the tsunami. Those people would have had to survive some other way. We want you to think along the lines that help may never come. This type of thinking is essential to survival. You take control of your life and your survival.
The next survival issues to be considered are long term in nature.
If social order breaks down there will be no police. You may have to protect yourself. Now the idea of shelter has changed. It has changed into protecting yourself from just protecting yourself from the weather; to also protecting yourself from danger or predators. Study a little history; how did people in the past solve this problem? There is no way that I can cover all of the possible solutions to the shelter problem that you might face. I don't think that any survival book can anticipate all the issues that could be facing you. But any preparation is better than no preparation at all. (Read a survival book.)
Take inventory of what you have.
What can you move to improve the situation?
Can you move to improve the situation?
What can you use as a barrier?
There are several things to consider on the subject of food.
Storing food long term means you have some special issues to consider.
Remember to check the expiration date on canned food.
Dried or freeze dried foods can be stored for a long time. However they require more water to become usable.
Can you obtaining food from area you're in? This may be a consideration once you have used up all your stored food. A book on edible plants could be of major importance. A book on how to hunt and dress game animals would be a great advantage.
Fire is one of the major advantages that people have over animals. Your use of fire helps you modify things to make them more useful to you. Fire provides light, heat and protection at night. With fire you can boil water to make it safe to drink. With fire you can make some plants into a better food sources. With fire you can make meat safer to eat.
Fire can help you make tools. Fire hardened sticks can be very useful. Use fire to bend larger pieces of metal into useful shapes. With fire you can signal people over large distances.
One issue with fire is how to start one with no matches.
A knife was one of the first tools that ancient man developed. Luckily in most survival situation you will either have a knife or access to metal to make a knife. If you have thought ahead you will have some basic tools available and little knowledge about how to use them. If you are caught in a situation where you do not have these tools ready made, think about how to make or obtain them.
Have you detected a theme though this post. It is to think about the survival situation before you have to face it. That thought process is the greatest advantage that you can give yourself
Be Ready from all of us at IIHTF Blog.
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